Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri IPO Dates, TBZ IPO Price Band, Registrar, IMP Links

IPO Initial Public Offerings

Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri IPO Information:

– IPO Open: 24 April 2012
– IPO Close: 26 April 2012
– IPO Size: Rs. 210 Crore (Approx)
– IPO Face Value: Rs. 10 / Equity Shared
– IPO Price Band: Rs. 120 – Rs. 126 Per Equity Share
– Minimum Quantity: 45 Shares (Rs. 5670 with 1 Lot)
– Maximum Quantity (1 Lakh Application): 765 Shares (Rs. 96390 with 17 Lot)
– Maximum Quantity (2 Lakh Application): 1575 Shares (Rs. 198450 with 35 Lot)
– IPO Listing At: BSE, NSE

Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri IPO Grading / Rating by CRISIL : IPO Grade 3/5. Means it has Average Fundamentals.

About Company:
In the jewelry industry, the value of gold would always be lesser than what its price rate. And hence if a customer wished to sell gold jewelry, it would often be deprived of its worth as the jewelers devised innumerable ways to deduct heavily on gold weight, thereby giving the customer an amount, below expectations.

In the tenure of Late Shri Gopaldas Tribhovandas Zaveri (son of late Shri Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri), TBZ – THE ORIGINAL introduced a revolutionary policy of giving back 100% market-value of gold to the customers so as to increase and sustain faith in the gold jewelry industry.

Shrikant Zaveri, Binaisha Zaveri and Raashi Zaveri.

Contact Information:
Registered Office : 241/43, Zaveri Bazar, Mumbai 400 002  
Phone: +91 22 3956 5001
Fax: +91 22 3956 5056
Email: [email protected]

Book Running Lead Manager(s)
1. Avendus Capital Pvt Ltd
2. IDFC-SSKI Private Limited

Registrar of TBZ IPO
Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Phone: +91-40-23312454
Fax: +91-40-23311968
Email: [email protected]

TBZ IPO Important Links:
Draft Prospectus with SEBI

More Information:
TBZ IPO Grey Market Premium & Kostak Rates: Click Here
TBZ IPO Listing Date: Click Here

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