H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment Date
As per the timeline, the H.M. Electro Mech IPO allotment date is January 29, 2025, Wednesday. The investors can check the IPO allotment via the registrar website of Cameoindia or the BSE website. Investors can check the allotment status online and offline with easy steps given below:
H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment Links
Cameoindia: | Cameoindia IPO Allotment Page |
BSE: | BSE IPO Allotment Page |
IPO Watch: | IPO Allotment Status Page |
Step 1: How do you check H.M. Electro Mech’ IPO Allotment Status on Cameoindia?
- Log on to H.M. Electro Mech IPO allotment page – Cameoindia.com
- Select IPO Name ‘H.M. Electro Mech‘ from the drop-down menu bar
- Select Option from PAN Number, Application Number, or DP ID Option
- As per selection add PAN Number, Application Number, or Demat Account Number
- Click on the ‘Search’ Button
- Check your allotment on the screen (mobile/desktop).

Step 2: How do you check H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment Status on BSE?
- Log on to the BSE IPO allotment page – BSEIndia.com
- Select IPO Name ‘H.M. Electro Mech‘ from the drop-down menu bar
- Select Option from PAN Number, Application Number, or DP ID Option
- As per selection add PAN Number, Application Number, or Demat Account Number
- Click on the ‘Search’ Button
- Check your allotment on the screen (mobile/desktop).

Step 3: How do you check H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment in the Demant Account?
- Call Your Broker or Login to Your Demat Account / Trading Account
- Check whether the stock is credited to your account or not
- If you got the allotment the credited shares will appear in the Demat account
Step 4: How do you check H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment in a Bank Account?
- Login to your Bank Account from which you applied the H.M. Electro Mech IPO
- Check the Balance Tab
- If you got the allotment the Amount will be debited
- If you did not get the allotment the Amount will be released
- If you got the allotment you got an SMS “Dear Customer, Bank Name Account 00001 is debited with INR 00000.00 on Date. Info: IPOName. The Available Balance is INR 000000.”
H.M. Electro Mech IPO Dates
IPO Open Date: | January 24, 2025 |
IPO Close Date: | January 28, 2025 |
Basis of Allotment: | January 29, 2025 |
Refunds: | January 30, 2025 |
Credit to Demat Account: | January 30, 2025 |
IPO Listing Date: | January 31, 2025 |
About Company
One of the growing companies H.M. Electro Mech Limited, incorporated in 2003, is involved in turnkey projects of supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of pumping machinery. In the past, the company was involved in the Infra projects related to water supply incorporating pumping machinery for wastewater. Throughout the years, the company has also expanded its business in electrification projects, working with Indian Railways, Nationalized Banks, and Municipal Corporations. Currently, they are also engaged in the EPC field projects which comprise building cross-country pipelines and civil work related to water supply projects. The company also sells products such as pumps, Pipes, Transformers, Motors, and other Electronic Accessories to the customers.
H.M. Electro-Mech has established itself as one of the reputed and trusted businesses in a short time all due to its strong and effective management system and in-time project implementation. State Governments, Central Government, Municipal corporations, the banking sector, and educational institutes are their major clients. As of now, the company has 28 employees on contract while 26 permanent employees.
Note: H.M. Electro Mech IPO Registrar is responsible for the IPO allotment and refund process. If you have any queries regarding the H.M. Electro Mech IPO Allotment date and time please contact the registrar with your queries.