Find latest ipo grey market premium as on 11-May-2010. IPO Grey Market Premium rates always fluctuating thats why read the date we mentioned. IPO Grey Market Premium rates are applicable for the perticular date only.
Company Name -> Offer Price -> Premium -> Kostak Rates
Nitesh Estate -> 54 – 56 -> Discount -> N/A
Tarapur Transformers -> 65 – 75 -> 2 to 3 -> N/A
Mandhana Industries Ltd. -> 120 – 130 -> 5 to 6 -> N/A
Sutlaj Jal Vidhut Nigam (SJVNL) -> 23- 26 -> 2 to 3 -> N/A
Jaypee Infra -> 102 – 117 -> Discount -> N/A
Happy Investing in Indian Stock Market.