IPO Allotment Status, Check IPO Allotment Online by PAN

IPO Allotment Status - Here are the simple steps how to check the IPO Allotment Status online or offline. As per the latest SEBI rules for the large-cap IPOs, the IPO allotment process will be done on the next day of IPO closing. The registrars like Linkintime or KFintech should release the IPO allotment as per the SEBI rules within 24 hours after the IPO close.

Check IPO Allotment Status Online

Check the latest IPO Allotment Status on the registrar’s website. The IPO subscription is closed and the allotment is available or may be available soon or later. Stay tuned and save the page for the IPO allotment updates.

Recent IPOsIPO Allotment StatusRegistrar LinkBSE LinkNSE Link
Grand Continent HotelsOutMUFGIntimeCheck Here
Rapid FleetOutBigshareCheck Here
Active InfrastructuresOutBigshareCheck Here
Desco InfratechTodayBigshareCheck Here
Shri Ahimsa Naturals28 MarchCameoindia
ATC Energies28 MarchKfinTechCheck Here
Identixweb1 AprilSkylinertaCheck Here
Retaggio Industries3 AprilBigshareCheck Here
Aten Papers3 AprilSkylinertaCheck Here
Infonative Solutions4 AprilKfinTechCheck Here
Spinaroo Commercial4 AprilCameoindiaCheck Here
Arisinfra SolutionsSoonLinkintimeCheck HereCheck Here
NSDLSoonMUFGIntimeCheck HereCheck Here
Dar CreditSoonKfinTechCheck Here
Prostarm Info SystemsSoonKfinTechCheck HereCheck Here
Ather EnergySoonMUFGIntimeCheck HereCheck Here
JSW CementSoonKfinTechCheck HereCheck Here
Vikram SolarSoonMUFGIntimeCheck HereCheck Here
Solar91 CleantechSoonMaashitlaCheck Here
Avanse FinancialSoonMUFGIntimeCheck HereCheck Here
Rosmerta Digital ServicesSoonMUFGIntimeCheck Here

How to Check IPO Allotment Status?

One can check the IPO Allotment Status via the IPO registrar (MUFG Intime aka Link Intime or KFintech). To check the IPO allotment one should require the below details. If the shares are allotted the investor will get the details under the search button on the registrar website or BSE website.

  1. PAN Card (IPO Allotment Status Check Online by PAN Number)
  2. IPO Application Number
  3. Demat Account Number / DP Client ID

The IPO allotment is been processed by the IPO registrar based on allotment. The IPO allotment status should be available after the registrar finalizes the allotment and it will be visible under the IPO Name that was applied by the investors. The investors are getting information via Email and SMS shared by BSE, NSE, CDSL, and NSDL. The IPO listing date is also available on our new IPO listing page.

Top IPO Registrars in India

As per the market scenario, we added top IPO registrars in India. MUFG Intime aka Link Intime and KFin Technologies provide services to mainline IPOs while all the listed registrars provide services to SME IPOs. They are the ones who do the calculations based on the IPO subscription data and upload the IPO allotment status on their website. The investors go to the website on the Allotment date and check whether they got the allotment of the shares. Bigshare Services provided services to 300+ IPOs and joined with Link Intime on the 2nd spot while KFin Technologies provides services to 225+ IPOs to date and the numbers increase day today.

Sr. No.IPO RegistrarsIPO Allotment Link
1MUFG Intime India Pvt. Ltd.Check Here
2KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Check Here
3Bigshare Services Pvt. LtdCheck Here
4Cameo Corporate Services LtdCheck Here
5Skyline Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.Check Here
6Maashitla Securities Pvt. Ltd.Check Here
7Purva Sharegistry India Pvt. Ltd.Check Here
8Integrated Registry Management ServicesCheck Here
9MAS Services LimitedCheck Here

IPO Allotment Status Unveiled

IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) have always been a hot topic in the world of finance. Investors eagerly await the opportunity to invest in promising companies that are about to go public. Once you’ve applied for shares in an IPO, the next question that invariably arises is, “Have I been allotted the shares?” In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery of IPO allotment status and guide you through the entire process.

Understanding IPO Allotment

Before diving into the intricacies of IPO allotment status, let’s establish a fundamental understanding of the term. IPO allotment refers to the process by which shares are allocated to investors who have applied for them during an IPO. The objective is to distribute shares fairly among all applicants.

Checking Your IPO Allotment Status

You’ve applied for an IPO, and now you’re eager to know if you’ve been allocated shares. Here’s how you can check your IPO allotment status:

  1. Visit the Official Website: The first step is to visit the official website of the company whose IPO you’ve applied for. Look for the ‘IPO Allotment Status’ section.
  2. Enter Details: You’ll need to enter certain details like your PAN (Permanent Account Number) and Application Number. Make sure you enter these accurately.
  3. Submit Your Request: After entering the required information, submit your request. The website will then display your IPO allotment status.
  4. Registrar’s Website: In some cases, you may need to check the registrar’s website, which is responsible for IPO allotment. You can find a link to this on the official website.

Factors Affecting Allotment

IPO allotment is not a random process; it depends on several factors:

  1. Oversubscription
    If an IPO is oversubscribed, meaning the number of shares applied for exceeds the available shares, allotment becomes proportional. The more you apply for, the higher your chances of getting allotted.
  2. Allotment Method
    Companies use various methods for allotment, such as a lottery system or a first-come, first-served basis. The method is usually disclosed in the IPO prospectus.
  3. Retail vs. Institutional Investors
    Allotment may also differ for retail and institutional investors. Retail investors typically get a smaller allocation compared to institutional investors.

Tips for IPO Allotment Success

Now that you’re familiar with the IPO allotment process, here are some tips to increase your chances of IPO Allotment:

  1. Diversify Your Applications: Apply for multiple IPOs to diversify your chances.
  2. Follow the Timelines: Ensure you apply within the stipulated time frame to avoid missing out.
  3. Understand the Company: Research the company thoroughly before applying.
  4. Keep Documentation Handy: Maintain records of your application details for easy reference.


IPO allotment status is a crucial step in your investment journey. By following the steps mentioned above and keeping these tips in mind, you can navigate this process with confidence. Remember, securing an allotment in a coveted IPO is not just about luck; it’s about making informed decisions and being proactive. So, stay informed and keep investing!

Frequently Asked Questions on IPO Allotment Status:

How to Check IPO Allotment Status Online?

One can easily check the IPO allotment status online using the latest IPOs online via PAN Number, Application numbers, or Demat ID.

How to Check IPO Allotment Status on Registrar’s Website?

Check the latest IPO allotment status on registrar’s websites through the following steps.
  • Go to the official website of respective registrar.
  • Look for the Allotment status section.
  • Select the IPO you applied for from the dropdown list.
  • Either enter your PAN Number.
  • Enter the Application number that was provided to you at the time you applied for the IPO.
  • Enter the DP/Client ID if it is applied through a demat account.
  • Or enter your permanent account number.
  • Once the above-given details are entered, click Submit, then the IPO allotment status will be displayed.

How to Check IPO Allotment Status on BSE and NSE?

Go to the Official IPO page allotment page on the BSE or NSE website. Click on check status. Choose the IPO name. Choose Issue Type or Issue Name. Enter the Application number or PAN number and click search.

Where to Check IPO Allotment Status?

To check the latest IPO allotment status kindly visit the following platforms:
  • Visit the Registrar’s websites like LinkIntime and KFintech to check the accurate allotment.
  • Visit the BSE and NSE official allotment websites and check the allotment by entering your details.
  • Or visit third-party IPO websites like IPO watch which offers the latest IPO allotment status.

What Time IPO Allotment is Done?

Usually, the IPO allotment can be done on the very next day 24 hours after IPO subscription closing. However, it may vary if there are weekends or any public holidays coming after the IPO subscription.

What Time Allotment Date in IPO?

The Allotment date is usually announced after the IPO subscription period ends.

Why is the IPO not Allotted?

There are many reasons why IPO is not allotted. The following are the common reasons:
  • Oversubscription is the most common reason why an IPO might not be allotted to you. In this, more people have applied for shares that are available.
  • You can not get allotted if you have entered the wrong PAN details, incorrect bank account number or incorrect signature can be the reason for not getting allotted.
  • If your demat account details are not true and it’s not linked properly, the allotment will not be credited to your account.
  • Sometimes there can be some technical issues or delays in processing allotment results in amount delay.

What Happens If I do not get the Allotment?

If you do not get the allotment, the amount you invested in the IPO will get unblocked and it will be refunded to your account. The refund usually happens after the next day of allotment status. You will receive a notification or SMS from the registrar’s website notifying you about the refund.

107 Responses

  1. Denta Water IPO allotment status is not available till now by Integratedregistry though it’s date was 27th ..Worst service

  2. bigshareonline
    Stallion India ka allotment 21 01 2025 ka tha aaj 22 01 2025 me bhi show nahi ho raha bhot khadiya sarvice hai ye bigshareonline ki

  3. I applied for 2 Lots of Neopolitan Pizza in SHNI category thru SBI ASBA. Application was success and hold is created in SBI for 2.4 Lacs. When checking for allotment status, the registrar link is showing IPO application not found with PAN search. What do I do?

  4. Hi I have had applied for BAZAR style ipo but haven’t allotted any still the mandate is not closed for that in my UPI acc what to do where to raise for the refund of the same

  5. Retial portiion was subscribed 8x and I have applied for 12 lot but still I didnt get any allotment .
    Ideally, I should get atleast 1 lot
    Any expert ….?

  6. The given link not displayed latest ipo
    Don’t suggest blindly
    Before giving any link confirm one if ipo is available on that given link
    You are misleading contunusily
    I tried from last IPOs both are not shown on that links but you are suggested the link for verification
    Before providing any link please confirm once then only give the link for verification
    I tried IPOs are
    Orient tech

    You are provided link for this IPOs but
    Even IPO is not shown on that list

  7. Good to see the information on IPOs at One Click! I am able to check all the ipo allotment status with your easy steps.

  8. Tata technology ipo applied 390 share but we have not getting allotment how ratio basis allotment tell me

  9. Tata technology ipo applied 390 share but we have not getting allotment how ratio basis allotment tell me

  10. The accurate details about IPO Allotment on this page. I offen use to visit IPOWatch for the details about IPOs. Keep Sharing!

  11. Linkin Time portal is not working at all.
    There is no data in the drop down.
    How will anyone be able to check their allotment


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