Yes Bank FPO Subscription Numbers & Status Details

Yes Bank FPO to hit the market on 15 July 2020 and closes on 17 July 2020. The price band is looking very attractive but it is very too much from the current price due to that the Yes Bank stock price is coming down day by day. As per the GMP, it looks not good as it might be around 13-14 as per the current scenario. As the FPO is very big we might feel that it will not subscribe fully. Let’s see how QIB and HNI will look forward to this. Check Yes Bank FPO GMP day by day.

Latest Update: Yes Bank FPO subscribed 0.93x times in which QIB 1.90x times, HNI 0.63x times and RII Retail 0.47x times.

Yes Bank FPO Subscription Numbers
(Day 3)

CategoryDay 1Day 2Day 3

Yes Bank FPO Dates & Price Band:

 IPO Open: 15 July 2020
 IPO Close: 17 July 2020
 IPO Size: Approx ₹15000 Crore
 Face Value: ₹2 Per Equity Share
 Price Band: ₹12 – ₹13 Per Share
 Listing on: BSE & NSE
 Retail Portion: 35%
 Equity: 11,55,12,82,051 Shares

Yes Bank FPO Market Lot:

 Lot Size: Minimum 1000 Shares & Maximum 15000
 Minimum Amount: ₹13000
 Maximum Amount: ₹195000

Yes Bank FPO Allotment & Listing:

 Basis of Allotment: 22 July 2020
 Refunds: 23 July 2020
 Credit to Demat Account: 24 July 2020
 Listing Date: 27 July 2020
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