Varun Beverages IPO Listing Date & Price Details

Varun Beverages IPO to list on BSE and NSE on 08-November-2016, Tuesday. Varun Beverages has poor subscription numbers compare to PNB Housing Finance. Both IPOs started on around same dates and listing will be around the same dates. The big question for this IPO listings is US Elections. Market is not stable and even grey market premium is not good for Varun Beverages. One can not predict multibagger stock as Endurance gave Varun might give but still there is a question of Indian and Overseas market which are not stable yet. Let’s see how Varun will react on listing day. Happy Investing!

Varun Beverages IPO Listing Date, Listing Price, BSE Code, NSE Code, ISIN Number & Other Details are given below:

BSE Code: 540180
Group: B

ISIN: INE200M01013

Offer Price: Rs. 445
Face Value: Rs. 10
Listing Date: 08-November-2016, Tuesday

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