L&T Infotech IPO Listing Details

After Quess Corp. IPO it was a good listing expected from big fish like L&T Infotech but as per the market sentiment it might be not good for the investors. The L&T Infotech grey market premium dropped from the day of its subscription. It was subscribed heavily in all segments like QIB, NII and Retail. Retail portion was subscribed around 7.39 times and allotment done around 4/1 applications.

As per the market analysts L&T Infotech listing will be around its offer price Rs.700. For the investors who are seeing this as a good and valuable stock will stay for long term but who subscribed for listing gain will not able to get anything. One might take a chance to stay for short term to have few gain but still other IPOs in pipeline and investors will look forward to a subscribed for them. As the big names will not give heavy returns investors might take a look in coming IPOs.

L&T Infotech IPO Listing Date, Listing Price, BSE Code, NSE Code, ISIN Number & Other Details are given below:

BSE Code:
NSE Code:  LTI
Group: B
ISIN: INE214T01019
Offer Price: 710 (Rs.10 Discount for Retailers)
Listing Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016

BSE Listing Price:
Listing Price: 666.60
High: 710.00
Low:  666.60
Close: 697.65

NSE Listing Price:
Listing Price: 667
High: 710
Low: 667
Close: 697.60

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