12.25% Indel Money NCD June 2023

Indel Money Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures (Secured NCDs) subscription to start on June 6, 2023. Indel Money will offer 12.25% interest rates on the NCDs. Indel Money NCD has a rating of BBB +/Stable rating by Crisil Ratings Limited.. The NCDs tenure is for 400 days, 24, 61, and 72 months. Check out Indel Money NCD 2023 details here.

Indel Money Limited is one of the NBFC – non-deposit-taking non-banking finance companies that is registered with RBI in 2002. The company is offering gold loans, loans against property, business loans, and personal loans to high net-worth individuals, business institutions, retail investors, and the common man. They cater to Financial Services, Automobile, Hospitality, Infrastructure Development, Media, Communication, and Entertainment industries as well. They have their business spread in 5 states through 191 branches. The states they have their footprints are Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh & Telangana & Union Territory of Puducherry.

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Issue Details

NCD Issue OpenJune 6, 2023
NCD Issue CloseJune 19, 2023
NCD Issue SizeBase: 50 Cr. | Shelf: 100 Cr.
Price Band₹1000 per NCD
Interest RateUp to 12.25% ** (Annually)
Minimum Investment10 Bonds (₹1,000)
Listing onBSE Platform
Credit RatingCRISIL AA-/Negative and ACUITE AA-/ Negative
TenorBBB +/Stable rating by Crisil Ratings
Basis of AllotmentFirst Come First Serve Basis
DRHP DocumentClick Here
RHP DocumentClick Here

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Promoters

  • Indel Corporation Private Limited

How to Apply Indel Money NCD June 2023 Issue?

You can apply from your existing Demat account online and offline. You can apply by downloading the form from the official website and filling up all the details with the cheque for the said amount. You can submit it to the collection centers.

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Tenure & Interest Rates

OptTenurePaymentCouponEff. Yield
1400 DaysMonth9.00%9.38%
2400 DaysCumu.NA9.00%
324 MonthMonth10.50%11.02%
424 MonthCumu.NA10.75%
561 MonthMonth11.50%12.13%
661 MonthCumu.NA11.50%
772 MonthCumu.NA12.25%

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Lead Manager

  • Vivro Financial Services Private Limited

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Allotment Status

  • Indel Money NCD issue allotment available on KFintech.

Indel Money NCD June 2023 Registrar

Link Intime India Private Ltd
C 101, 247 Park, L.B.S.Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400083
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: indelmoney.ncd3@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/

Company Information

Indel Money Limited
Office No.301, Floor No.3,
Sai Arcade N.S Road,
Mulund West, Mumbai – 400 080
Phone: +91 484 293 3989
Email: care@indelmoney.com
Website: http://www.indelmoney.com/

Indel Money NCD June 2023 FAQs:

When is Indel Money NCD Open?

Indel Money NCD is to open on June 6 and close on June 19, 2023.

What is Indel Money NCD Price?

The company has fixed the price at ₹1000 per NCD.

What is Indel Money NCD Issue Size?

The NCD issue size is ₹50 crores.

On Which platform the Indel Money NCD will list?

Indel Money NCD will list on BSE Platforms.

How to apply for Indel Money NCD?

You can apply from your existing Demat account online and offline.

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