Carraro India IPO subscribed overall 1.18 times on the last day, while A retail quota was subscribed 0.75 times, QIB was subscribed 2.33 times, and NII quota subscribed 0.63 times respectively.
Details About Carraro India IPO
Carraro India got approval from SEBI for an IPO of ₹1,250.00 crores to raise funds and maintain financial stability. This IPO has a combination of fresh issue of ₹[.] crores and an offer for sale up to 1,77,55,680 equity shares and the face value of each share was Rs 10. Moreover, the company has set up a price band between ₹668 to ₹704 per share. In this IPO total of 21 shares were available in 1 lot size for the minimum Retail category and for the maximum retail category 273 shares in 13 lot sizes. S-HNI (Min) has a total of 294 shares in 14 lot sizes, while B-HNI Minimum has a total of 1,428 shares available in 68 lot sizes.
To invest in this IPO, each investor category has specific investment amounts:
- Retail Investors: Minimum investment of ₹14,784 and maximum investment of ₹1,92,192.
- Small HNI (S-HNI): Minimum investment of ₹2,06,976.
- Big HNI (S-HNI): Minimum investment of ₹10,05,312.
Subscription duration of Carraro India IPO
- The IPO opening date was 20 December and the close date was 24 December 2024.
- Carraro India IPO allotment was finalized on December 26 and the IPO listing is on December 30, 2024.
Funds Deployment of This Company
The IPO fund would be fruitful for promoters not for the company.
About Carraro India IPO
Carraro India Limited was Founded in 1997 and develops and supplies complex engineering products and solutions for original equipment manufacturers (OEM). In India, they supply axles, transmission systems, and gears for the agricultural tractor and construction vehicle industries. Additionally, they offer a diverse range of gear for various sectors, including automotive, trucks, agriculture, and construction vehicles. They have been operating in India for nearly 27 years. Therefore they have made strong relationships with domestic and international. They work with two manufacturing plants in Pune, Maharashtra, India which are the driveline manufacturing plant and the gears manufacturing plant. The manufacturing plant covered an area of about 84,000 square meters, whereas the gears manufacturing plant spanned approximately 78,000 square meters.
Carraro India IPO Financial Background
The revenue of Carraro India is ₹1,806.55 crores in 2024 against ₹1,733.3 crores in 2023. The company reported a profit of ₹62.56 crores in 2024 which is more than the previous year’s ₹48.46 crores in 2023.