Jio Financial Services Discovered Price and Listing
- Jio Financial Services’ share price (discovered price) is ₹261.85 per share – above than the market estimated that was around ₹200 per share.
- Jio Financial Services will list the indices at the last traded price which is effective at the opening of JFSL listing date + 3 business days.
Reliance Demerger Record Date
- The demerger record date is July 20 for the subsidiary “Reliance Strategic Investments”.
- July 19 is the last date to buy Reliance shares to be eligible for the demerger benefits.
- “Reliance Strategic Investments” will be renamed “Jio Financial Services” and listed on exchanges. As of now, the Jio Financial Services listing price is not announced yet.
Reliance Demerger Ratio
Reliance Industries shareholders are to get 1 share of “Reliance Strategic” aka “Jio Financial Services” for every 1 share of Reliance Industries. Hence the demerger ratio will be 1:1.
Price Discovery
As per the market speculations, there will be a special pre-open session (SPOS) on July 20 from 9 AM to 10 AM for price discovery. Stay tuned and keep waiting for the big day.
Listing on Indices
Jio Financial Services will be included on Nifty at a “constant price”. The Constant price = Demerged entity’s closing price on T-1 day (in this case July 19) and price derived during SPOS.
How to Calculate Constant Price
Let’s assume if the Reliance Industries share price is 2800 on July 19 and discovered price is 2600 on July 20 then the constant price will be Rs. 200 per share for Jio Financial Services on listing.
Trading in Jio Financial Services after Demerger
The demerged share of Jio Financial Services will subsequently be excluded after it starts trading on T+3 day.
Reliance Industries demerger in 2005
When we look at history, In 2006, Reliance’s share price jumped 38% and investors got an excellent wealth increase after RIL demerged four entities. The market rewarded Reliance in 2005-2006, will the same thing happen this time after the Reliance and Jio Financial demerger? Let’s see.
Note: The above-given information is based on the internet and market speculations. If anyone has any suggestions or issues regarding it kindly email us on [email protected]
2 Responses
I have 72 Nos of reliance industries and when do i get the bonus share of Jio Financial to my account
I would like share news of Reliance Industries