KPR Agrochem IPO Dates, Review, Price Bank & Market Lot Details

KPR Agrochem ipo coming on 28-June and closing on 02-July-2019. KPR Agrochem ipo is around Rs.210 crore. The company is a manufacturer, distributor and retailer of wide range of crop yield enhancing and protection products. The product range includes crop protection, crop nutrients, seeds, feed supplements, veterinary and more. They also manufacturer of sulphuric acid. They have other product range of sulphuric acid based chemicals like ABSA, DMS and Oleum. The company is coming up with ipo of 1.20 crore shares which will be around 2100 millions.

Note: KPR Agrochem IPO withdrawn as per BSE Notice

  ₹ in Crore
2018 (9M)44841921

Company Promoters:

  • Papa Reddy Kovvuri
  • Venkata Mukunda Reddy Karri
  • Rajasekhar Reddy Kovvuri
  • Satyanarayana Reddy Kovvuri (S/O. Veeraraghava Reddy Kovvuri)
  • Satyanarayana Reddy Kovvuri (S/O. Ramchandra Reddy Kovvuri)
  • CRESCO Technology LLP

Quick Links:
DRHP Draft Prospectus
RHP Draft Prospectus

KPR Agrochem IPO Registrar:
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda
Hyderabad – 500 032, Telangana, India
Telephone: +91 40 67162222
Facsimile: +91 40 23431551
Email:[email protected]
Investor Grievance ID: [email protected]
Note: Check KPR Agrochem ipo allotment status on Karvy website allotment url. Click Here

KPR Agrochem IPO Lead Managers:

  • PL Capital Markets Pvt Ltd

Company Address:
KPR Agrochem Limited
Door No. 8-256, Tata Nagar,
Balabhadrapuram – 533 343
Andhra Pradesh, India
Contact Person: Narayana Rao Poluri
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Telephone: +91 8857 237 367/236 767
Fax: +91 8857 237 333
E-mail: [email protected]

Note: The ipo price band and dates will be added as it will be officially announced. The ipo grey market premium (ipo gmp) will be added on the grey market page as it will be started)

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    5 Responses

    1. IPO Notices
      External Link
      KPR Agro IPO withdrawn
      Date: June 27, 2019

      The Rs 283.20 Cr proposed public issue of KPR Agro has been withdrawn for unknown reasons. The IPO was planned to open on June 28, 2019

    2. That is really good company for agri business with price valuations. Rs. 5/- premium is expected on current market positions. minimum application for rate will be Rs.550-600/- expected.