9% Piramal Capital NCD July 2021 Issue Date, Rating & Interest Rates

Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited is based in Mumbai and incorporated in 2017. They are wholly-owned subsidiary of Piramal Enterprises Limited and part of Ajay Piramal and Family group. Its a non-deposit-taking housing finance company. They are into financial services business provides funding to real estate developers, corporates, and SMEs across sectors. They are also offer retail funding. Piramal Capital has a rating of CARE AA by CARE &ICRA AA with outlook (Negative) rating by ICRA. Piramal Capital Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures (Secured NCDs) subscription to start on 12 July 2021. Piramal Capital will offer 9% interest rates on the NCDs. The NCDs tenure will be for 26 months, 36 months, 60 months and 120 months.

Piramal Capital

Piramal Capital NCD Issue Details

NCD Issue Open 12 July 2021
NCD Issue Close 23 July 2021
NCD Issue Size Base: 200 Cr. | Shelf: 800 Cr.
Price Band ₹1000 per NCD
Interest Rate Upto 9% ** (Annually)
Minimum Investment 10 Bonds (₹1,000)
Maximum Investment 1,000 Bonds (₹10,00,000)
Listing on
 BSE & NSE Platform

Piramal Capital NCD Issue Rating

  • CARE Ratings: CARE AA
  • ICRA Ratings: ICRA AA with outlook (Negative)

Piramal Capital NCD Issue Listing

  • NCD Bonds will be list on BSE & NSE.

Piramal Capital NCD Issue Promoters

  • Piramal Enterprises Limited

How to Apply Piramal Capital NCD Issue?

You can apply from your existing demat account online and offline. You can apply via downloading form from the official website and filling up all the details with the cheque of said amount. You can submit it to the collection centres.

Piramal Capital NCD (July 2021) Issue Tenure & Interest Rates

OptionTenureInterestCouponEff. Yield
I26 MonthAnnual8.35%8.37%1000
II26 MonthCumulativeN/A8.35%1190
III36 MonthAnnual8.50%8.49%1000
IV60 MonthAnnual8.75%8.75%1000
V120 MonthAnnual9.00%8.99%1000

About Piramal Capital

Piramal Capital & Housing Finance (PCHF), wholly owned subsidiary of Piramal Enterprises Limited (the flagship company of Piramal Group), is registered as a housing finance company with National Housing Bank (NHB) and engaged in various financial services businesses. It provides both wholesale and retail funding opportunities across sectors. In real estate, the platform provides housing finance and other financing solutions across the entire capital stack ranging from early stage private equity, structured debt, senior secured debt, construction finance and flexi lease rental discounting. Hospitality sector financing is a recent foray of PCHF. Here we are providing financing solutions to hotels which will be operated by branded players in established and emerging markets. The wholesale business in the non-real estate sector includes separate verticals – Corporate Finance Group (CFG) and Emerging Corporate Lending (ECL). CFG provides customized funding solutions to companies across sectors such as infrastructure, renewable energy, roads, industrials, auto components etc. while ECL focuses on lending towards Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

The introduction of retail lending was a natural progression attributed to the size, scale and growth of the company’s financial services business. The Housing Finance’s strength lies in its rich experience and its network in the wholesale lending and construction space.

PCHF through its group companies provides customized strategies for institutional and retail investors such as Mumbai Redevelopment Fund focused on slum rehabilitation and Apartment Fund focused on bulk buying individual units (Through Piramal Fund Management) and strategic partnerships with leading global pension funds such as CPPIB, APG and Ivanhoe Cambridge.

Piramal Capital NCD Lead Manager

  • A.K. Capital Services Limited
  • Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd
  • JM Financial Consultants Private Limited
  • Trust Investment Advisors Private Limited

Piramal Capital NCD Allotment Status

  • Piramal Capital NCD issue allotment available on Linkintime

NCD Registrar

Link Intime India Private Ltd
C 101, 247 Park, L.B.S.Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400083
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: piramal.ncd@linkintime.co.in
Website: http://www.linkintime.co.in

Company Information

Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited
4th Floor, Piramal Tower, Peninsula Corporate Park
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
Phone: (91 22) 6230 9200
Email: investorrelations.pchfl@piramal.com
Website: https://www.pchf.in

Piramal Capital NCD FAQs:

When is Piramal Capital NCD Open?

Piramal Capital NCD to Open on July 12 and Closes on July 23, 2021.

What is Piramal Capital NCD Price?

The company has fixed the price at ₹1000 per NCD.

What is Piramal Capital NCD Issue Size?

The NCD issue size is ₹200 crores.

On Which platform the Piramal Capital NCD will list?

Piramal Capital NCD will list on BSE & NSE Platform.

How to apply for Piramal Capital NCD?

You can apply from your existing demat account online and offline.

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