Upcoming IPO: Electrosteel Integrated Limited

IPO Initial Public Offerings

Electrosteel Integrated Limited IPO Information:

– IPO Open: Sept 21, 2010
– IPO Close: Sept 24, 2010
– IPO Size: Rs. 225 Crore Approx
– Face Value: Rs. 10 / Equity Share
– IPO Price Band: Rs. 10 – Rs. 11 Per Equity Share
– Minimum Quantity: 600 Shares (Rs. 6600 with 1 Lot)
– Maximum Quantity: 9000 Shares (Rs. 99000 with 15 Lot)
– Listing At: BSE, NSE

Electrosteel Integrated Limited IPO Grading / Rating by CARE: IPO Grade 3/5. Means it has Average Fundamentals.

About Company:
Electrosteel Castings Limited (ECL) is a water infrastructure company providing techno-economic solutions for water supply and sewerage systems. The Company is India’s largest manufacturer, and one of the few manufacturers in the world, of ductile iron (“DI”) spun pipes. A lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation is a significant problem in India, and the demand for safe drinking water is increasing at a rapid rate. In order to transport sufficient quantities of water from different sources, i.e. rivers, lakes or wells, to a treatment plant with minimal loss and then transport the treated water to the end-user, a reliable pipe material is required that is strong, long-lasting, corrosion resistant and reduces the risk of contamination. DI pipes possess these qualities and are currently the single most widely used type of pipe for the transportation of water and sewage.

Contact Information:
Registered Office : 801, Uma Shanti Apartments, Kanke Road, Ranchi – 834 008, Jharkhand, India
Phone: +91 651 2231636
Fax: +91 651 2231636
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.electrosteel.com

Book Running Lead Manager(s)
1. Edelweiss Capital Limited
2. Enam Securities Private Limited
3. SBI Capital Markets Limited

Registrar of Electrosteel Integrated Limited
Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Phone: +91-40-23312454
Fax: +91-40-23311968
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://karisma.karvy.com

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