Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Dates, Price Band, Registrar, IMP Links

IPO Initial Public Offerings

Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Information:

– IPO Open: 20 July 2011
– IPO Close: 22 July 2011
– IPO Size: Rs 82 Crore (Approx)
– IPO Face Value: Rs. 10 / Equity Shared
– IPO Price Band: Rs. 100 – Rs. 117 Per Equity Share
– Minimum Quantity: 50 Shares (Rs. 5850 with 1 Lot)
– Maximum Quantity (1 Lakh Application): 850 Shares (Rs. 99450 with 17 Lot)
– Maximum Quantity (2 Lakh Application): 1700 Shares (Rs. 198900 with 34 Lot)
– IPO Listing At: BSE, NSE

Company Promoters:
1. Mr. Nagji K. Rita
2. Ms. Jayshree N. Rita

Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Grading / Rating by Fitch & ICRA : IPO Grade 2/5. Means it has Below Average Fundamentals.

About Company:
The story of Inventure began on June 22, 1995 as a public limited company, today the company has membership in cash and derivatives segment of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), currency futures segment of BSE and NSE, MCX Stock Exchange (MCX-SX) and wholesale debt market segment of BSE and NSE. The company is also a member of OTC Exchange of India (OTCEI). The company is also registered as a depository participant with Central Depository Service (India) Limited (CDSL). Inventure has recently received the license to act as a Portfolio Manager.

Its forte is providing advisory and innovatively structured financial solutions in the area of fund raising, infrastructure development, government borrowing, corporate restructuring and money market intermediation. At the retail level, Inventure provides investment advisory service and distributes financial products like mutual funds, insurance products, etc. The Company is committed to provide efficient services to its clientele base which includes institutional clients, HNI and retail investors across the country. Inventure operates through 224 business locations including branches, franchisees (Remisiers and Authorised Person) and sub-brokers located across India.

Contact Information:
Registered Office : Viraj Towers, 201, 2nd Floor, Near Landmark, Western Express Highway, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 069, Maharashtra
Phone: +91 22 3954 8500
Fax: +91 22 4075 1535
Email: [email protected]

Book Running Lead Manager(s)
1. Intensive Fiscal Services Private Limited

Registrar of Inventure Growth & Securities IPO
Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-25963838
Fax: +91-22-25946969
Email: [email protected]

Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Important Links:
Draft Prospectus with SEBI
Red Herring Prospectus

More Information:
Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Grey Market Premium & Kostak Rates: Click Here
Inventure Growth & Securities IPO Listing Date: Click Here

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